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"سعلي" بالانجليزي
  • And he said things he shouldn't have and, you know, paid the price.
    .أعنيلقدقال أمورليسعليهأنيقولها، وكماتعلم .
  • You don't have to see the strings. It's in your muscle memory.
    ليسعليكأن ترىالأوتار، إنها موجودة في عضلات ذاكرتك
  • He went back to work because I told him that he was okay.
    لقد عاد إلى العمل لأنّي أخبرتهأنّهلابأسعليه.
  • I'm gonna go tell mommy you're here. - Oh, you don't...
    ـ سأذهب لإخبار أمي بقدومك ـليسعليكِ...
  • No, you don't have to say anything you don't want to say.
    لا,ليسعليكأن تقولىأىشئلا تريدى قوله.
  • Well, I still have to go to the party, but you guys don't, so... .
    مازال عليّ الذهاب للحفلة، ولكنليسعليكمأنتم،لذا...
  • I don't have to believe it, and I think it's beautiful.
    اناليسعليّانأؤمن به، وانا اجده جميلاً.
  • It's Rex. You kind of need to come pick him up.
    انه ريكس,عليك ان تأتي لاخذه
  • I won't leave you with enough Chi to turn and cough.
    لن أترك لك أية طاقة لكي تتحولي و تسعلي
  • You don't have to say it's true. Just cough twice.
    لا يجب عليكِ أن تؤيدي ذلك ، فقط اسعلي مرتين
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