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come to the point

"come to the point" معنى
  • And always I was trying to imagine your face but finally I came to the point in which it could not even already do that.
    ...لكني لم أستطع أن أمحو صورة وجهكِ من رأسي... ...لكن مع الوقت
  • It came to the point where, you know, you're not gonna find him alive, but you just want to find what happened to him.
    .وصلت لنقطه حيث تعلم انك لن تجده حياً .لكنك فقط تريد معرفة ماذا حدث له
  • I hate pasta... there are some things in life that you just cannot digest... can you come to the point please.
    انا اكره المعكرونه يوجد اشياء لا يستطيع الانسان هضمها في الحياة هل يمكن ان ندخل في الموضوع من فضلك
  • It was a very difficult time that I was dealing with, and it just came to the point where I really needed to—basically, I just needed to run away, honestly.
    حيث كنت أمر بوقت عصيب، وقد وجدت المكان الذي كنت بحاجة إليه فعلا، فقد كنت بحاجة للابتعاد بعيدا قدر المستطاع.
  • For an African with a slave past to rise to the level that Crowther did, was by itself an achievement but he was betrayed because they wanted to put an African at the forefront of the missionary work but I think when it came to the point when they then had to hand the
    بالنسبة لأفريقي له ماضي مع الرق
  • You could be the most peaceful person, but then you come to the point where you have to defend yourself to avoid possibly being beaten, or worse, even, you know, killed.
    من الممكن أن تكون أكثر شخص مسالم و لكن يأتي وقت تضطر فيه أن تدافع عن نفسك لكي تتجنب أمكانية أن يعتدى عليك و في اسوأ الحالات أن تقتل
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