With his mother missing in action we have to make sure things are in order. بعد فقدان أمهُ يجب علينا أن ننظم أمره ونرعاه
He was missing in action fighting for his life, thinking that I wasn't there that I didn't care. وبعدم اكتراثي... هذه ليست غلطتك ...يبدو أن
They're not missing in action لا تقل أنهم في عداد المفقودين
Another brother, Michael, was reported missing in action on 28 April 1917. أخوها الأخر ميشيل تم الإبلاغ بأنه من المفقودين في 28 أبريل 1917.
Rambo, you're probably aware that there's almost 2.500 Americans still Missing In Action in South-East Asia. أن هناك تقريباً 2500 جندي أمريكي لازالوا مفقودين في الجنوب الشرقي لأسيا.
It wasn't just her dying. You were missing in action a long time. Before and after. لم يكن موتها فحسب، فلقد كنت غائباً منذ زمنٍ طويل قبل موتها وبعده
The deaths of prisoners of war in captivity and personnel missing in action are also included with military deaths. قتلى اسرى الحرب والمفقودين في المعركة ايضا تم تضمينهم في الخسائر العسكرية.
A member of the Ukrainian parliament and commissar of the "Kiev-1" battalion Eugeniy Dayday went missing in action along with two other soldiers. 1" يوجيني داي داي في العمل مع جنديين آخرين.
Tokar was missing in action after the ambush that resulted in Shaw being awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. توكار) كان مفقود فى الحرب) (بعد الكمين الذى كان السبب فى حصول (رايموند شو على وسام الشرف من الكونجرس
He then led his patrol, which had been listed as missing in action for three days... back through the enemy lines to safety. قاد ريموند دوريته التى عدت مفقودة لثلاثة أيام .. "عائداً بها من خلف خطوط العدو بسلام