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تسجيل الدخول إنشاء حساب جديد

they are still

"they are still" معنى
  • They are still among us, those who only call themselves comrades
    مازالوا بيننا أولئك اللذين يسمون أنفسهم فقط بـ"الرفاق"
  • My family was burnt and crucified while they were still alive.
    لقد صلبوا اسرتى وحرقوهم وهم على قيد الحياة
  • They were still cowering there praying to their God for salvation.
    ...كانوا مختبئين هناك يصلون لإلههم من أجل الخلاص
  • You have a good memory. They are still worthy of my allegiance.
    عندك ذاكرة جيدة ما زالوا يستحقون ولائي
  • Sometimes we forget things but they are still buried in our subconscious.
    ..أحياناً ننسيالأشياء. لكنهم ما زالوا مدفونون لاشعورياً...
  • Your friend escaped the village. They are still looking for him.
    صديقكم فرّ من القرية، إنهم يواصلون البحث عنه
  • My father paid the ransom. But they were still greedy.
    دفع والدي الفدية لكنهم لم يطلقو سراحي
  • Whoever you're lookin' for, there's no way they are still out there.
    مهماكانالشخصالذيتبحث عنة مستحيل أنة لا يزال موجود
  • They may be soldiers, John, but they are still men.
    هم قد يكونون جنود، جون لكنّهم ما زالوا رجال.
  • We escaped so we could warn you that they were still coming.
    هربنا لنتمكن من إخباركِ أنـّهنَّ آتين .
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