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"بينروز" بالانجليزي
  • Penrose announced this result... that when stars collapse indefinitely... they will become singular... as long as some very broad conditions are satisfied... that everybody would have regarded as reasonable.
    أعلن "بينروز" ما توصل اليه من نتائج انه عندما يتعرض نجماً للانهيار الشامل فانه يتحول الى نقطة مفردة
  • Penrose announced this result... that when stars collapse indefinitely... they will become singular... as long as some very broad conditions are satisfied... that everybody would have regarded as reasonable.
    أعلن "بينروز" ما توصل اليه من نتائج انه عندما يتعرض نجماً للانهيار الشامل فانه يتحول الى نقطة مفردة
  • Penrose announced this result... that when stars collapse indefinitely... they will become singular... as long as some very broad conditions are satisfied... that everybody would have regarded as reasonable.
    أعلن "بينروز" ما توصل اليه من نتائج انه عندما يتعرض نجماً للانهيار الشامل فانه يتحول الى نقطة مفردة
  • Penrose announced this result... that when stars collapse indefinitely... they will become singular... as long as some very broad conditions are satisfied... that everybody would have regarded as reasonable.
    أعلن "بينروز" ما توصل اليه من نتائج انه عندما يتعرض نجماً للانهيار الشامل فانه يتحول الى نقطة مفردة
  • Penrose shows that, by reconfiguring the boundaries of a billiard table, one might make a computer in which the billiard balls act as message carriers and their interactions act as logical decisions.
    بينروز يظهر ذلك من خلال إعادة تكوين حدود طاولة بلياردو، واحدة قد تجعل جهاز الكمبيوتر في كرات البلياردو بمثابة رسالة ناقلات وتفاعلاتها بمثابة قرارات منطقية.
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2  3