It was at this point that Mr. Thornhill succeeded in escaping from his would-be assassins, and when they gave chase he, naturally, had to drive as best he could under the circumstances. فى هذة الأثناء .... نجح سيد "ثورنيل" فى الهروب من القتلة المتربصين لة ....
erotomanics are a form of stalker who posses the delusional belief that another person, usually of a higher social status, is in love with them. المهووسين رومانسيا هم نوع من المتربصين والذين يملكون وهما بأنهم منخرطون في علاقة عادة مع شخص اعلى منهم في المكانة الاجتماعية
though stalkers can be either male or female, it's most likely we're looking for a single male, a loner, in his late twenties to early forties, very intelligent, with ample time to follow his victim رغم ان المتربصين قد يكونوا ذكورا او اناث فغالبا اننا نبحث عن ذكر عازب وحيد, بين آواخر العشرينات وأوائل الاربعينيات