The king seems implacably against it just as he seems more inclined to embrace a new alliance with the emperor. يبَدو أن المَلِك متَصلِب ضِدهَا كَما أنَه يَبدِو أكَثر وأكَثر مَيلاً إلى معَانقَه تحَالِف جَدِيد مَع الإمَبراطِور
Dr Heyes particularly detests the cult and images and is determined to removed them from the Cathedral as well as introducing the new learning. الدٍكتور "هيز" يَكره الدِين خِصوصاً والتَماثِيل "وصَمم علَى إزالَتِهم مِن "الكاترائيه وكَذلِك عَرض التَعلم الجَدِيد
Your Majesty, councillors here is the new act, The Act of Succession which I am commanded to present shortly to the Houses of Parliament. فَخامتُك أعضَاء المجلِس هَذا هُو القَانِون الجَدِيد، قَانِون الخِلافَه الذِي أصدرتُه لِيرشَح قرِيباً في مَنازِل الَبرلمَان
I'm here to inform Your Grace, as archbishop of Canterbury that the king intends to put a bill before the new session of Parliament. سمُوك، أَنَا هٌنا لِإبلاَغك كَونِي الاَسقٌف كانتربيري المَلك يَعتزِم عَلى وَضع قَانُون مَشرُوع اَمَام الَدوَره الجَدِيدَه لِلبرَلمَان