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"فَكّ" بالانجليزي
  • It'll mess with your-your-your- your-your-your- thinking thing.
    هو سَيُخرّبُ كَ كَ كَ كَ كَ شيئكَ المُفَكِّر.
  • Do you think somebody could've unscrewed that on purpose?
    تُفكّرُ شخص ما could've فَكَّ الذي عمداً؟
  • Almost wish I thought of it myself, Lou.
    أتمنى لو كنتُ قد فَكّرتُ بهذا يا "لو".
  • Lamond's coworkers describe him as thoughtful, dedicated, sweet-- a few said that.
    زُملاء (لاموند) وصفوه بالمُفَكّر، المُنْهَمِكٌ الرقيق، مِثل هذا
  • I just keep thinking what's going on is just a bad dream.
    أنا فقط أَبْقى مُفَكِّراً الذي الإِسْتِمْرار فقط حلم سيئ.
  • Think of it as a new beginning. A change of management.
    فَكّرْ به كبِدايةِ جديدةِ
  • You think about my father, you goddamn son of a bitch.
    فَكِّر بأبي أيها اللعين
  • But I've had time to rest and relax and think.
    لكن كانَ لديَّ الوَقت لأستَريح و أهدَء و أُفَكِّر - تيم...
  • She just needs to make it through middle school without falling apart.
    هي فقط تَحتاجُ لجَعْله خلال المدرسة المتوسّطة بدون تَفَكُّك.
  • We just got to figure out a way to narrow down this list.
    يجب أن نفَكِّر في طريقةٍ لتضييقِ هذه القائمة
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