You say so openly in council and have, perhaps, a great sympathy for the dowager princess. كُنت تقُول ذلِك علَناً في المجَلِس وحَصل ربمَا عَلى تَعاطُف كَبِير لِلأمِيره الأرمَله؟
When I was at Northwestern, it was such a big deal to have guest speakers come in, you know? أتَعْلَمِين ؟ عِـندَمـَا كـُنْتُ بـ ( نورثويسترن ) كَانَت مُشكِلَة كَبِيرة فِي حُضُور المُتَحدثِين
No. I am not letting her come. Any time someone else has a big moment, she ruins it, okay? لاَ، لَنْ أَدَعَهَا تَأْتِي فِي وقْت حَيْثُ لَذَا شَخص آخَر لَحظَة كَبِيرَة سَتُفسِدُ هَـذَا، حَســَناً ؟
Afterwards, when you have given the king his great desire then you will have all the power to deal with her as you like. بَعد ذلِك عِندمَا تمَنحِين المَلِك رغَبته الكَبِيره عِندهَا سَتكِون لدَيك كُل السُلطَه لِلتعَامل معَها كمَا تَرغبِين
These Jesuits, as they are called these soldiers will go where others fear where often they will meet great danger in order to promote the Catholic faith and take the word of God to heathens and heretics. اليسُوعِيِين، مِثِل أسمَائُهم هَؤلاء الجُنُود سَوف يَذهَبونْ إلى حَيث يخشَى الآخَرِون حَيث غَالِباً سَيُواجِهُون خَطراً كَبِيراً