What's the matter with you, Albin ? تَبْدو قليلاً مُتَلَهِّف مؤخراً.
They make you feel confused and anxious? يَجْعلونَك تَشْعرُ مشوّش ومُتَلَهِّف
Weir is anxious to talk to you. Weir مُتَلَهِّفُ للكَلام معك.
And he seemed very anxious, like he wasn't quite sure of things.. وهو بَدا مُتَلَهِّفَ جداً، مثل هو ما كَانَ متأكّدَ جداً مِنْ الأشياءِ. .
My father had had surgery that morning, I was anxious to check up on him. أبي كَانَ عِنْدَهُ جراحةُ ذلك الصباحِ، أنا كُنْتُ مُتَلَهِّفَ لفَحْصه.
He's very anxious to see you. هو مُتَلَهِّفُ جداً لرُؤيتك.
None of the Waponis are anxious for the honor of jumping into the Big Woo. لا أحد من اهل الوابونيس مُتَلَهِّف لشرفِ القفز فى وو الكبير.
I was anxious to find out why the court had been assembled without my permission. أنا كُنْتُ مُتَلَهِّفَ للإكتِشاف لِماذا المحكمة كَانتْ قَدْ جُمّعتْ بدون رخصتِي.
Everyone is anxious to meet you. كُلّ شخص مُتَلَهِّفُ لمُقَابَلَتك
Why shouldn't I be anxious? لماذا لا أَكُونُ مُتَلَهِّفاً؟