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تسجيل الدخول إنشاء حساب جديد

as if they

"as if they" معنى
  • He talked about them as if they were laboratory animals.
    إنه كان يتحدث عنهم كما لو كانوا حيوانات مختبر
  • You will hear his words as if they were mine.
    ستستمعون لكلامه كما لو كانت صادرا منى
  • Treasure these moments... as if they were your last.
    مجدوا هذه اللحظات كما لو كانت لحظاتكم الأخيرة
  • They rose up as if they were made of mist.
    لقد ظهروا كما لو كانوا قد صنعوا من الضباب
  • They don't look alive. Yet they behave perhaps as if they are.
    بخداعها أن الفايروس عبارة عن غذاء هام،
  • There's no tracks. lt 's as if they have disappeared.
    ليس هناك اى اثر ، لقد اختفوا
  • I will watch your goods as if they were my own.
    سأراقب أمتعتكم كما لو كانت ملكي
  • We respect them as if they were our own brothers, our family.
    ونحن نحترمهم وكأنهم أخوة لنا، وعائلة لنا
  • It is almost as if they create another organism altogether.
    يبدو تقريباً كأنهم كوّنوا كائن حي آخر مع بعضهم.
  • I'd be as upset as if they kicked my girlfriend.
    سوف اشعر بالسوء كما لو ان احدهم ضرب صديقتي
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