He's cranky, he's not sleeping well, and then he's got these really chapped lips, and then today it was this weird rash. كان يشعر بالانزعاج، ولا ينام جيدا، وبعدها أصيب بتلك التشققات في شفته، وبعدها اليوم أصيب بهذا الطفح الغريب.
And still as he refused it, the rabblement hooted and clapped their chapped hands and threw up their sweaty nightcaps and uttered such a deal of stinking breath because Caesar refused the crown, that it had almost choked Caesar for he swounded and fell down at it. ورفضه للمرة الثالثة أيضاً وعندما رفضه، بدأت الغوغاء بالهتاف والتصفيق بأيديها الخشنة ورموا بقبعاتهم المليئة بالعرق