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"ene" معنى
  • Someone's niece came in and played the harp, it was wonderful.
    انا من فكر بي كلمة (frenemy)الــ
  • "Out Here On My Own" from the seminal behind-the-scenes musical Fame.
    "Out Here On My Own" من عرض behind-the-scenes
  • How does Jolene Grey fit in?
    How does Jolene Grey fit in? كيف تناسب "جولين قراي" فيها؟ \هكذا فهمتها\
  • Thank you, my daughter, for your kind, if overgenerous words.
    شكرا لك يا ابنتي, لالكريمة, إذا كانت الكلمات overgenerous.
  • It's manufactured by the Patek-Phillipe company of Geneva, Switzerland.
    تمت صناعتها في جنيف - سويسرا company of Geneva, Switzerland.
  • This particular shape-taker, Yewll, is smart, even by Indogene standards.
    هذا خاص شكل متلقي، Yewll، ذكي، حتى بالمقاييس Indogene.
  • This particular shape-taker, Yewll, is smart, even by Indogene standards.
    هذا خاص شكل متلقي، Yewll، ذكي، حتى بالمقاييس Indogene.
  • Butl think weshouldget aspecialistinherebecause, frankly, I'veneverseen anything like thisbefore.
    يفكّر بوتل weshouldget aspecialistinherebecause، بصراحة، أنا haveneverseen أيّ شئ مثل thisbefore.
  • It did for a long time, but theNecronomicon'smagic is powerful and dangerous.
    هو عَمِلَ لوقت طويل، لكن theNecronomicon'smagic قويُ وخطرُ.
  • Nefertiti had her priest... move theNecronomicon to a secret place.
    Nefertiti كَانَ عِنْدَهُ كاهنُها... التحرّك theNecronomicon إلى a مكان سري.
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