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first book

"first book" معنى
  • And how it was the first book he ever wanted to read.
    وكيف أنه كان أول كتاب رغب يوما أن يقرأه
  • Geez, I didn't have my first book published until...
    أنا لم ينشر كاتبي الأول حتى
  • My first book had just come out. I'd... Everything I'd promised myself
    كل شيءٍ وعد نفسي بأن أحققه عندما كنت شاباً...
  • It's... it's the first book I ever sold Adrian.
    هذا أول كتاب تبتاعه (أدريان) مني
  • So I've written my very first book of poetry.
    لذلك كتبت اول ديوان شعري
  • And Tobias was having his first book reading. And Tobias was having his first book reading.
    وحظي (توبايس)، بأول جلسة قراءة لكتابه
  • And Tobias was having his first book reading. And Tobias was having his first book reading.
    وحظي (توبايس)، بأول جلسة قراءة لكتابه
  • Historians believe it is the first book ever written on the pilgrimage.
    يعتقد المؤرخون أنه أول كتاب مكتوب على الإطلاق عن الحج
  • My first book was clearly too avant garde, lost in literati pretense.
    كتابي الأول كان بوضوح مجرد مقدمة، ضاعت في تظاهُر الأدباء.
  • This is the last line to the first book we are going to read.
    هذا آخر سطر من أول كتاب سوف نقرأه
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