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garden of eden

"garden of eden" معنى
  • You see, we're looking for what was removed from Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden before you took that bite out of the apple, and we're getting closer.
    هل ترى إننا ننظر إلى ما أخذ من آدم و حواء من حديقه إيدين قبل أن تقضمى تلك التفاحه
  • The story of the Garden of Eden and the fall of man represents a tradition among the Abrahamic peoples, with a presentation more or less symbolical of certain moral and religious truths.
    تمثل قصة جنة عدن وسقوط رجل تقليدا في الشعوب الإبراهيمية، مع عرض رمزي لبعض الحقائق الأخلاقية والدينية.
  • From childhood, he has been beset by misfortune, and even visited the Garden of Eden and accidentally caused the Fall of Man and the sinking of the RMS Titanic.
    منذ الطفولة، كان يعاني من سوء الحظ، حتى زار جنات عدن و عن طريق الخطأ تسببت في هبوط الأنسان و غرق التيتانيك.
  • Now nobody's saying the Chatsworth Estate is the garden of Eden 'but it's been a good home to us - me, Frank Gallagher, 'and me kids who I'm proud of, 'cos every single one of them reminds me a little of me.
    على ماذا تحدقين ؟ (ماليك) ؟ هل تحدقين فيه ؟
  • No one ever really bought me stuff before... except my mom's boyfriend Chester... who got me for my birthday when I was 12... a bottle of something called Garden of Eden body oil... which he said would be good for my skin... and which he wanted to show me how to use... which I let him do.
    لم يشترى لى أحد أى شئ من قبل ماعدا صديق امى "شيستر الذى أعطها لى فى عيد ميلادى الاثنى عشر...
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