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"implacable" معنى
  • She loved them pitilessly, and was implacable towards them (not to mention a few others) at the very moment when, giving them without mercy all that she could, and all that she had, she was inheriting from them and was keeping watch over what they had—what they still have—to tell us, especially regarding art and laughter.
    ما لا يزال لديهم - لتخبرونا، خاصة فيما يتعلق بالفن والضحك."
  • He always held the view that his implacable refusal to accept the legality of the State of Israel did not preclude conversation with a people he viewed as fellow Arabs with a different religion, and so became one of the first Palestinians involved in contacts with Israel after it captured the Arab sector of the city.
    لكنه دائماً ما أوضح وجهة نظره أن رفضه الشديد لقبول شرعية دولة إسرائيل لم يمنعه من الحوار مع زملاء عرب مختلفين في الدين وبذا أصبح أحد الفلسطينيين المشاركين في أول اتصالات مع إسرائيل بعد أن احتلت القطاع العربي من مدينة القدس.
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2  3