Four black guys with One-Niner ink gunned down in a junkyard outside of Oakland. أربعة رجالِ سودِ بحبرِ Niner واحد أطلقوا أسفل في a junkyard خارج أوكلند.
You know some junky probably stole it off the rig when we were busy saving his friend. ربما أحد المتعاطين سرقها من العربة بينما كنا مشغولين بإنقاذ صديقه.
Poor Roberto... you're still that whiny little gringo... who's junky whore of a mother abandoned you in Mexico. روبيرتو) المسكين) مازلت حقيراً لعيناً "مع المرأة التي هجرتها في ال"مكسيك
There was a long way 200 and many years the club boys were smarter than the African and American junky whore. لديهم قروض 200 ألف دولار سنوياً ذكاؤهم فوق المتوسط
Lassiter still thinks this guy's a junky thief, so he's combing the area in case the perp saw them and took off. لذا يبحث في المنطقة لظنه أن المعتدي رآهم وهرب