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"المحرّر" بالانجليزي
  • One of the mysteries of sonoluminescence is to determine exactly how hot the interior of the bubble gets.
    لزمهم دائماً أن يضعو طاقة أكبر من المحرّرة.
  • The new assistant to the editor.
    مساعدة المحرّر الجديدة. أجل.
  • So he's not the great emancipator.
    إنه ليس المحرّر العظيم
  • I've got a piece to deliver to Art World magazine and I can't upset the editor.
    لدي مقالة سأسلمها لمجلة عالم الفنّ وأنا لا أستطيع إزعاج المحرّر.
  • I've got a piece to deliver to Art World magazine and I can't upset the editor.
    لدي مقالة سأسلمها لمجلة عالم الفنّ وأنا لا أستطيع إزعاج المحرّر.
  • There's even one bunch of Editors who try to kill artists immediately after their greatest works.
    هناك مجموعه من المحرّرين الذي يحاولون قتل الفنانين بعد اعمالهم العضيمه
  • You're taking over as publisher.
    أنكِ تتولين منصب المحرّر
  • Damian Westlake was the editor.
    وكان (داميان ويستليك) المحرّر
  • It's what editors do.
    هذا ما يفعله المحرّرون
  • I'm not saying that this kid isn't everything you say he is, but, Scott, damn, as an editor,
    أنا لا أنفي بعض ما تقوله عن الطفل لكن يا (سكوت) بصفتي المحرّر
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