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"poin" معنى
  • No, you're watching Baby Poindexter, the most educational DVD available at the checkout aisle at the grocery store.
    لا، انت تشاهد Baby Poindexter دي في دي المنهج التعليمي المتاح في محل البقالة عند ممر الخروج
  • Okay, first of all, you really need to work on your me, 'cause at no point did I say "blerf."
    في بادئ الامر يجب أن تعمل أكثر على تقليد شخصيتي 'cause at no point did I say "blerf."
  • My fellow Californians we have gathered here at historic Bear Point to make official our entrance into the United States of America!
    سكان كاليفورنيا we have gathered here at historic Bear Point لقد تجمعنا هنا اليوم لنتم "أنضمامنا الرسمى لـ"الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
  • You gotta work on your blerf, 'cause at no point did I say, "blerf blerf." Okay, guys, guys, please, please.
    You gotta work on your blerf, 'cause at no point did I say, "blerf blerf." Okay, guys, guys, أرجوكم,أرجوكم يجب أن نستبدل هاتين الان
  • You keep your GPA up, no swearing within earshot, and stay out of trouble, so I can keep you from getting your ass kicked out this go around.
    عليك المحافظه علي متوسط معدل الدرجات مرتفعاً (GPA=Grade Point Average) مثل في مصر - امتياز - جيد جدا
  • Chilling news from Long Island Sound, as a four-passenger prop plane on its way to East Hampton spun into the surf off Montauk Point.
    أخبار مخيفة "من "لونغ آيلاند ساوند as a four-passenger prop plane on its way to East Hampton spun into the surf off Montauk Point.
  • At which point your mother closed her legs and said she was gonna keep you inside until we get her to her own hospital and her own doctor.
    At which point your mother closed her legs أغلقت أمك فخذيها و قالت أنها ستبقيك بالداخل الى أن نقلها الى مشفاها الخاص
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