So this is how my quest ends, just steps away from Princess Kalakare. كانت آخر حصة في صف الألعاب -هيا، لا يهم لا أريد أن أوسخ فستانك
You forced me to fight dirtier in there than I've ever had to do before. أجبرتَني للمُحَارَبَة بأوسخ في هناك مِنْ أَنِّي لم اضطر الى عمل ذلك من قبل.
During that period of time, his clothes get progressively dirtier, save for two rectangular spots on his knees. أثناء تلك الفترة الزمنية، لباسه أصبحت أوسخ بشكل تدريجي، ماعدا بقعتين مستطلتين على ركبتيه
Now, this is where they think on their corporate shit, Gudge and them, I mean, the light's as ugly as all hell, but, shit, ain't as many Tucks, انا لا أوسخ يدى ابداً
But as the years passed... and he grew more and more powerful... he came to fight harder and dirtier... and uglier than any of his contemporaries. لكن بمرور السنوات وتوسع سلطته أصبح يقاتل بشكل أعنف و أوسخ