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تسجيل الدخول إنشاء حساب جديد

as if they

"as if they" معنى
  • It's almost as if they really believe the aliens have disappeared.
    كما لو كانوا يظنون بان الفضائيين قد اختفوا
  • Seems as if they were instances of cells and disintegrate.
    تبدو كما لو كانت نمازج من خلايا عضوية لكنهاتتفتت
  • It's as if they wrote that song for my own son. - Hm?
    أنا مسرورةٌ لحصولك على اليد الجديدة
  • I love your kids, love them as if they were my own.
    وأحب ولديك، أحبهما كما لو أنّهما ولداي.
  • A light flashing as if they were taken by aliens.
    ضوء يومض و كأنه تم إختطافهم من طرف فضائيين.
  • It's almost as if they were demanding our involvement in this.
    كما لو أنهم يطلبون تقريبًا اشتراكنا في هذا
  • It's as if they were selling your past along with their own.
    كأنهم يبيعون ماضيك مع ماضيهم
  • that I can twist iron-bars as if they were mere cloth.
    لكن السيف المصنوع من الصلب لا استطيع استخدامه مثلك
  • People so lofty, they sound as if they shit marble! What!
    عظماء جداً كأنهم يتغوطون رخاماً!
  • It was as if they knew what the food was costing me.
    كان كما لو كانوا يعلمون كم كلفني الطعام
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2  3  4  5