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"barnyard" معنى
  • The thing is, I think some of the parents they were hoping that you'd play more songs about barnyard animals.
    ...ما أريد قوله أن بعض الأباء ...كانوا يأملوا أن... أن تغني بعض الأغاني...
  • We took down the coyotes, Peck learned to crow, and by the time we get back, we'll have a new member of the barnyard running around.
    هزمنا الذئاب (بيك) تعلمت الصياح و عندما نعود سيكون لدينا فرد جديد بالحظيرة
  • They were serving a gun warrant, and then, later that day, they're in a coffee shop and some idiot mocks him, and then barnyard noises ensue.
    ثم لاحقاً كان في محل قهوة وسخر منه شخص أحمق وأصبح يئن بأصوات غريبة
  • I don't think anyone would deny that when you send chickens out from the barnyard those chickens will return to your barnyard, not your neighbor's.
    لا أعتقد أن أحدا ً هنا سينكر ... بأنه عندما تقوم بإخراج دجاجك .. خارج مزرعتك
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