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"clapped" معنى
  • It was whilst waiting for the elusive muse to put in an appearance that I first clapped eyes on Professor Cavor.
    بينما كنت أنتظر الإلهام المراوغ للحضور وقعت عيني لأول مرة على (على الأستاذ (كافور
  • My first recital, my father was so proud that he clapped so loud and he screamed out that he loved me.
    أول عزف لي، أبي كان فخور جداً به حتى أنه صفق بصوت عالي وصرخ بأنه يحبني
  • But there is, sir, an aerie of children little eyases that cry out on the top of question and are clapped for it.
    ولكن هناك ، يا مولاي ، مجموعة من الممثلين المبتدئين الذين سلبوا منهم حب الجمهور بغنائهم وأدائهم
  • When the thunder clapped or the earth quaked, it was not because something you did had somehow displeased the very demanding gods.
    حينما يضرب الرعد أو تهتز الأرض لم يكن هذا بسبب أمر ما فعلته كان بطريقة ما قد أغضب الألهة صعبة المراس
  • Last night, after we stayed awake together... and our souls clapped their hands and sang, we made a clean breast of it, I was thinking about you saying...
    ‫بعد ما بقينا مستيقظين معا ‫وأرواحنا صفقت ‫بيديها وغنت ‫وعملنا سترة نظيفة منه ‫كنت أفكر حول قولكِ
  • Dorothy now took Toto up solemnly in her arms, and having said one last good-bye, she clapped the heels of her shoes together three times, saying, "take me home, take me home to aunt em."
    دوروثي) ضمت (توتو) بشدة) وقالت الوداع وصفقت كعب حذائيها ثلاثة مرات
  • and the poor bull was suffering and suffering and Mr. Manglehorn clapped his hand two times and walked to him put his hand like that next to the bull and the bull with his big, big paw
    والثورالمسكينكانيعاني.. لكن سيّد (مانغلهورن) صفق بيدهمرتينوتوجهنحوه.. ووضع يده هكذا بجانب الثور
  • And still as he refused it, the rabblement hooted and clapped their chapped hands and threw up their sweaty nightcaps and uttered such a deal of stinking breath because Caesar refused the crown, that it had almost choked Caesar for he swounded and fell down at it.
    ورفضه للمرة الثالثة أيضاً وعندما رفضه، بدأت الغوغاء بالهتاف والتصفيق بأيديها الخشنة ورموا بقبعاتهم المليئة بالعرق
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