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"ent" معنى
  • The Navysays we weresent torecoveranA-bomb, that's why wegot all theseburns.
    نافيسايس نحن weresent قنبلة torecoveranA، لهذا wegot كلّ theseburns.
  • The death knell to Finley Largent's precious gunshot residue test.
    النعي إلى فينلاي Largent إختبار بقيّةِ الطلق الناري الثمينِ.
  • You might as well say I killed him.
    فرص ربما د ه ن ص و في rsent.
  • You might as well say I killed him.
    فرص ربما د ه ن ص و في rsent.
  • bell rings] What makes you different makes you beautiful
    هاهي الأميرة الممتعضة What makes you different makes you beautiful
  • We have never walked the back alleys of underachievement before.
    نحن أبداً مَا مَشّينَا الأزِقّة الخَلفِيّةَ underachievement قبل ذلك.
  • I've never worn an undergarment in public before.
    أنا أبداً مَا لَبستُ undergarment في الجمهورِ قبل ذلك.
  • For once my performance won't be inhibited by that judgemental nitpicker.
    لمرة واحدة أدائي لَنْ يُمْنَعَ بذلك judgemental nitpicker.
  • I thought rhinos were vegetarians.
    كنت أعتقد أن الخراتيت نباتية. - An excellent point. - Shut up.
  • You're an embarrassment to nature.
    You're an embarrassment to nature. Do you know that? أنت شىء محرج لمخلوقات ربنا.
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2  3  4  5