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تسجيل الدخول إنشاء حساب جديد


"yeah" معنى
  • Yeah well I think maybe our quarterback has been sacked one too many times.
    عرقل أكثر من اللازم
  • Guards took it from me, yeah they thought it was a weapon.
    أخذها الحراس مني نعم إعتقدوها سلاحاً
  • Yeah and you're really helping her out, aren't you?
    نعم وانت حقا المساعدة لها للخروج ، ليست لك؟
  • Oh yeah man, I seen a lot of action.
    نعم يا رجل ، أنا رأيت الكثير من العمل.
  • Yeah . I guess we`re the closest thing he has to family here.
    أحزر بأنّنا الأقرب لعائلتة هنا
  • Yeah yeah, we, uh, need to perform a cavity search, please.
    نريدك أن تأتي إلى غرفة التفتيش رجاءً
  • Yeah I know. Does he make all of his employees do this?
    هل تعملين هذا مع كل موظفيه
  • Yeah no this is my shop. I better be. So why don't you gamble?
    إذاً لماذا لا تقامر
  • Yeah but most won't set aside their carrier for the sake of the children.
    .. أمي ، أمي
  • Yeah basically. - Teal'c seems to think that showing him more images...
    تشغيل بلا موعد من العالم الخارجي
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