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"تحرّري" بالانجليزي
  • You can be free of him. But not this way.
    بإمكانك أن تحرّري منه، ولكن ليس بهذه الطريقة.
  • Sounds like the same bunch of typical liberal claptrap.
    يبدو مثل نفس الباقة الهراء التحرّري المثالي.
  • I'm gonna get up there and lace into these liberal nut jobs.
    سَأَنْهضُ هناك ورباط إلى هذه وظائفِ البندقِ التحرّريةِ.
  • This is why you wanted to give me your power... to free yourself from this torment.
    لتحرّري نفسكِ مِنْ هذا العذاب.
  • Well done, Elsa. You're losing your fear.
    أحسنتِ يا (إلسا) أنتِ تتحرّرين مِنْ خوفك
  • You didn't release your fear of fire.
    أنتِ لم تحرّري خوفكِ من النار
  • But they rarely ever do get different.
    هو a باقة الكلام الفارغ التحرّري.
  • But they rarely ever do get different.
    هو a باقة الكلام الفارغ التحرّري.
  • Dad, I'm as liberal as the next guy... but it's time for someone to take the reins.
    أبي،أناتحرّريمثل غيري.. ولكن حان وقت وضع حد
  • He'll be pleased, he's a liberal thinker.
    سَيَكُونُ مسرور انه مفكّر تحرّري
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