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"رُبّما" بالانجليزي
  • Perhaps the previous owner had nothing pleasant to say.
    رُبّما المالك السابق لم يكّن لديهِ شيئاً جيّداً ليقوله
  • Guess it's because it's so unique. But it is an extravagance.
    رُبّما لأنها فريدة من نوعها ولكنه إسراف
  • Maybe he doesn't need to try and pretend to be someone else.
    لرُبّما لايحتاج أن يكون شخصاً آخراً
  • I don't know what help you could possibly be. Except maybe, maybe...
    أنت رُبّما ، ما عدا رُبّما
  • I don't know what help you could possibly be. Except maybe, maybe...
    أنت رُبّما ، ما عدا رُبّما
  • Yeah. We're gonna hang here, kick back, maybe have a party.
    أجل، سنمكث هنا ونسترخي، رُبّما نُقيم حفلاً.
  • You could have broken something. I'll take off your shoes.
    رُبّما يكون هناك كسر ما سأنزع عنكِ حذائك
  • Well, maybe for someone who's from here, but me...
    حسناً, رُبّما لشخصٍ موطنه .. مِن هُنا, لكن أنا
  • If that movie can't make you feel, then maybe this little guy can.
    رُبّما هذا الجرو الصغير سيفعل
  • I guess Charlie might have run away to Los Angeles.
    أظن أن (تشارلي) رُبّما ذهبت "إلى "لوس أنجلوس
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