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"مُقرّر" بالانجليزي
  • If she comes to visit, she thinks you're on point.
    في حال قامت بزيارة لِتظن أنك ملتزم بالمُقرّر
  • That he might be a drug abuser. They had a mandatory test scheduled.
    كان هنالك اختبار إلزاميّ مُقرّر.
  • That he might be a drug abuser. They had a mandatory test scheduled.
    كان هنالك اختبار إلزاميّ مُقرّر.
  • I finished all my credits. All I'm taking this semester is...
    لقد أنهيتُ كلّ ساعاتي الدراسيّة المُقرّرة.
  • You mean to say, that poison was meant for me?
    أتقصدين القول أنّ السُمّ كان مُقرّراً لي؟
  • Scheduled to land here in Honolulu in just over two hours.
    مُقرّر أن تهبط هنا في (هونولولو) بعد ساعتين.
  • He's scheduled to be in New York all day tomorrow.
    من المُقرّر أن يكون في (نيويورك) طوال اليوم غدًا.
  • She took your introduction to anthropology course her freshman year.
    لقد أخذت مُقدّمتك لمُقرّر علم الإنسان في سنتها الدراسيّة الأولى.
  • Do medical schools even have courses on sex?
    هل لدى المدارس الطبيّة حتى مُقرّرات عن الجنس؟
  • I'm supposed to go meet the playwright tomorrow.
    مُقرّر أن أذهب لملاقاة مؤلف المسرحية غدًا.
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2  3  4  5