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تسجيل الدخول إنشاء حساب جديد


"arrogantly" معنى
  • He's arrogantly confident that it won't be him.
    إنه واثق بشكل متكبر إنه لن يكون هو
  • "maybe arrogantly is a better word."
    "ربما بـ غطرسة هي الكلمة الأنسب"
  • Through genetic manipulation... we will give new birth to what man has so arrogantly made extinct.
    .... من خلال المعالجات الجينية سيكون هُناك ميلاد جديد
  • Yes, sir. I will work to protect people of this great city from the problems that I arrogantly thought would never be mine.
    نعم سيدي سأعمل على حماية سكان
  • Ifthe assistant director l.D.'s him, ourwell-placed operatives won't be able to stand in the way ofan arrest, compromisingbeyondrepair thesecrecyofour work... and the security, as you so arrogantly assert, ofour project's future.
    مدير إفذي المساعد l. دي . ه،
  • I don't like the trouble you cause the rest of the company when you gleefully and arrogantly insult anyone who doesn't conform to your certainty.
    لم تعجبني المشاكل التي جلبتها للشركة حين تهين بتعالي ومرح أي شخص لا يوافق قناعتك
  • Arrogantly believing only themselves to be worthy of such a mighty weapon, they sent the wizard Jaga with their own sword of Omens in hand to destroy it.
    كانوا يعتقدون انهم فقط لهم الحق بإمتلاك سلاح جبار أرسلوا الساحر جاغا مع سيف التنبؤات من اجل تحطيم سيفنا
  • Arrogantly thinking that perhaps I'd given enough... over these past nine years to merit, if not your love, then at least your respect.
    بشكل متغطرس إعتقدت من الممكن أننى أعطيتك بما فيه الكفاية ... 0 على مدار التسع سنوات الماضية , إذا لم أكن أستحق حبّك , فعلى الأقل أستحق إحترامك
  • Never with the thought - it never occurred to us - that we might arrogantly talk about exterminating anybody who didn't happen to have been born with a white skin, or who was culturally inferior to us or was undesirable.
    ... أبداً لم يخطر ببالنا يوماً ما أننا قد نتحدث يوماً ما بصلف... ... بشأن القضاء على أى واحد
  • And I didn't say anything to you, Brooke, when you so arrogantly claimed the bed without asking me, but you can't just waltz into my room and turn it into a damn art fair.
    و أنا لم أقل لك اي شيء يا (بروك) لقد قمت بتنظيف السرير من دون سؤالي أنت لا تستطيعين الدخول إلى غرفتي و تحويلها إلى ميدان للرسم
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