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تسجيل الدخول إنشاء حساب جديد

become ill

"become ill" معنى
  • That night, you became ill and were taken from us.
    فى تلك الليلة ، أصبحت مريضاً وأُخذت مننا
  • We have evidence that Morgan became ill that night.
    نحن لدنيا دليل ان مورقان اصبح مريضا تلك الليلة.
  • But they would both one day grow old, become ill and die.
    لكنه يعلم أنه يوما ما سيصبح عجوزا
  • There's a pattern of people becoming ill for no reason.
    هناك نَمط لأناسٍ يَغدون مَرضى بدون سبب.
  • Dr Carter did not become ill during her first 48 hours.
    دّكتور كارتر ما أصبح مرضا أثناء ساعاتها الـ48 الأولى
  • Buchanan and the passengers became ill before I could interrogate him further.
    مرضَ (بوكانن) و المسافرون قبلَ أن أتعمّقَ باستجوابه.
  • Marlowe... You remember the night Jo Ann became ill and we had to take her to the hospital?
    (مارلو)، تتذكر تلك الليلة...
  • You were optimistic about his future and suddenly he became ill and died.
    كنت متفائل بمستقبله و فجأة اصبح مريض و توفى
  • As though people became ill according to what they have to pay for medical treatment!
    كما لو أن الناس يصبحون مرضى طبقالماذالديهمليدفعواثمنالعلاجالطبي!
  • Maria became ill and got the MRI that BlueShield of California had refused to approve.
    أصبحَ ماريا مرضاً وحَصلَعلىالتصويربالرّنينالمغناطيسيذلكالدرعِ الأزرقِ كاليفورنيا رَفضَ التَصْديق.
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2  3  4  5