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تسجيل الدخول إنشاء حساب جديد

both of them

"both of them" معنى
  • Both of them are a lot better than Diamonds Are Forever.
    كلاهما أحسن بكثير "Diamonds Are Forever" من
  • That's why we'll say goodbye to both of them with dignity, with class.
    لهذا سنودع كليهما.. باحترام، ورقي..
  • Both of them were big shots in a Chicago crime syndicate.
    كلاهما له صيت في نقابة جريمة شيكاغو
  • When both of them are threatened The one have to protect them.
    عندما تحتاج العدالة والحرية لمن يحميها
  • Both of them were dead by the time the paramedics got there.
    كانا قد ماتا عند وصول الإسعاف
  • We open both of them and whichever contains the treasure is the right one.
    حسناً، ما رأيك بهذا؟
  • Teruya, Azusa... have both of them got a strange call?
    ألم يتلقى كل من (تيرويا) و(أسوزا) مكالمة غريبة؟
  • You've got two great guys, both of them crazy about you.
    لديكِ رجلان رائعان كلاهما يحبانكِ حباً جنونياً
  • Do I have sex with both of them at the same time?
    هل أضاجع كلتيهما في الوقت نفسه؟
  • Both of them were closed down within minutes of the robbery.
    الإثنتان تبعدان بضع دقائق عن مكان السرقة.
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2  3  4  5