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"called" معنى
  • Not until we called Mr. Boston.
    Not until we called Mr. Boston. لا، ليس الى ان اتصلنا بالسيد بوستن
  • you'll write this new series called metropolis after hours.
    أنت ستكتب هذه السلسلة الجديدة Calledmetropolis بعد ساعات.
  • The Return of a Man Called Horse.
    فيلم عودة رجل يطلق عليه حصان The Return of a Man Called Horse.
  • That's his next stop from the manifest.
    Tripp just called. (تريب) إتصل للتو
  • That's his next stop from the manifest.
    Tripp just called. (تريب) إتصل للتو
  • you haven't even called me back.
    أنت ليس لك مستوي Calledmeback.
  • He's called Ryan, yeah.
    اسمه رايان, هه He's called Ryan, yeah.
  • Well, the reason I called-- things are happening much more quickly than we anticipated.
    حسنا، والسبب أنا called-- الأشياء تحدث بسرعة أكبر بكثير مما توقعنا.
  • This is called... what?
    This is called... what? هذا يُسمى...
  • This is called... what?
    This is called... what? هذا يُسمى...
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2