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"colds" معنى
  • The virus that attacked Coldstone wiped his programming clean.
    الفيروس الذي هاجمَ Coldstone مَسحَ برمجته تُنظّفُ.
  • Coldstone doesn't know you and he certainly wouldn't recognize me like this.
    Coldstone لا يَعْرفُك وهو بالتأكيد لا يَعْرفَني مثل هذا.
  • Coldstone was created from pieces of different gargoyles.
    Coldstone خُلِقَ مِنْ قِطَعِ الجرغولِ المختلفِ.
  • Day or night, you are Coldstone.
    يوم أَو ليل، أنت Coldstone.
  • Was it wise to release Coldstone?
    هَلْ كان حكيم لإصْدار Coldstone؟
  • So why would they steal Coldstone?
    لماذا إذن يَسْرقونَ Coldstone؟
  • I'll hold him while you take control of Coldstone and repair the damage he has done.
    أنا سَأَحتجزُه بينما أنت سيطرْ على Coldstone ويُصلّحُ الضررَ عَملَ.
  • We do not need Coldstone.
    نحن لَسنا بِحاجةٍ إلى Coldstone.
  • That looks like Coldstone.
    الذي يَبْدو مثل Coldstone.
  • But the three gargoyle souls used to create Coldstone were put there by magic, not programming.
    لكن الثلاثة أرواحَ gargoyle يُستَعملُ لخَلْق Coldstone وُضِعَ هناك بالسحرِ، لا يُبرمجُ.
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2