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come through

"come through" معنى
  • A girl. Just a girl that came through on the stage.
    الفتاه, تلك الفتاه التي أتت على المركبه
  • But if he'd come through here, I'd have heard him.
    ولكن كيف رجع الى هنا , لكنت سمعته
  • I wanna see you come through this now, you hear?
    أريدك أن تنهي هذا الأمر هل تسمعني ؟
  • Did you know that the germs can come through the wires?
    أتعلمين أنه يمكن للجراثيم الإنتقال عبر الهاتف؟
  • He come through the window. They just took him off.
    لقد خرج من النافذه إنهم يزيلونه عنها الآن
  • You're the only one that always came through for me.
    انت الوحيد الذي يفعل ما يلزم من أجلي
  • A drug dealer came through with his car and crashed right in.
    تاجر مخدرات اتى الى هنا وصدمه
  • Nora might be coming through the opening in the fence again.
    قد يأتي (نورا) من الفتحة بالسور مجددا
  • I came through it, but I'm always gonna be paying for it.
    اشتركت فيه، دائماً سَأَدْفعُ ثمنه دائماً.
  • Why didn't he come through before like you clowns?
    لماذا لم يعبر من قبل مثلكما أيها المهرجان ؟
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