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"earing" معنى
  • I got razors a-rippin' and tearing and strippin'
    â™ھ I got razors a-rippin' and tearing and strippin' â™ھ
  • An earing was found matching one the last victim was wearing
    وجد شيء يشابه ما كانت تلبسه الضحيه الاخيره
  • Gather 'round,people. I come earing gifts.
    اقتربوا يا أصدقاء لقد أتيت و معي العديد من الهدايا
  • I know what you'll be wearing-- a look of frozen terror.
    أنا أعرف ما سوف يكون wearing-- نظرة الرعب المجمدة.
  • At least I'm wearing camel flage.
    At least I'm wearing camel flage. على الأقل أنا أرتدي "من ماركة "كامل فليج.
  • Well, I'm sick ofhearing about Pissant.
    حسنا، أنا ofhearing مريض حول بيسسانت.
  • Yes, they do, and they're usually wearing bikinis and covered in mud.
    بلى هن كذلك and they're usually wearing bikinis and covered in mud.
  • But you really shouldn't be wearing clothes like that
    ولكن ليس عليك ان ترتدي هذه الملابس But you really shouldn't be wearing clothes like that
  • I want to see Detective Dearing.
    أريد أن أرى المحقق Dearing.
  • I want to see Detective Dearing.
    أريد أن أرى المحقق Dearing.
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2