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he wrote a book

"he wrote a book" معنى
  • He wrote a book called From the Earth to the Moon.
    كتب كتاب اسمه "من الأرض إلى القمر"
  • Just because he wrote a book doesn't mean he's not "a".
    فقط لكتابته كتاباً فلا A" يعني هذا أنّه ليس"
  • He wrote a book in prison called Reflections ln A Diamond Eye.
    لقد كتب كتاب فى السجن يدعى "(انعكاسات عين (دايموند"
  • He wrote a book a few years after mine.
    ألف كتابا بضعة سنين من بعدي
  • And the doctor involved-- I think he wrote a book or something.
    والدكتور متورّط... أظنّه قام بتأليف كتاب أو ما شابه
  • Yeah, he wrote a book called Suit Monkeys.
    "أجل، ألف كتاب يدعى "بدلة القرود
  • He wrote a book about it.
    انه الف كتاب بهذا الشأن
  • I wouldn't be surprised if one day he wrote a book like "Tuesdays with Morrie."
    ان قام بأحد الأيام بكتابة كتاب مثل أيام الثلاثاء مع موري
  • He wrote a book about his life here... about your lives, and Kareem Said's last great act was to get Augustus' book published.
    لقد كتبَ كِتاباً عن حياتهِ هُنا... .
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