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"suns" معنى
  • This Sunstone Manor-- what do they do to people in there?
    هذا Sunstone Manor-- ما يفعلون للناس هناك؟
  • Does anybody wanna put sunscreen on my back?
    يَعمَلُ أي شخص wanna ضِعْ sunscreen على ظهرِي؟
  • He's mixed "Steal My Sunshine" by Len...
    "Steal My Sunshine" أنه يمزج أغنية " للمغني "لين
  • They put a shopping mall on Sunset and Vine.
    Sunset vine" لقد أقاموا مجمع تجاري في".
  • life's candy and the sun's a ball of butter ¶
    آ¶ life's candy and the sun's a ball of butter آ¶
  • You're rubbing me like you're putting on sunscreen.
    أنت تَفْركُني مثل أنت تَضِعُ على sunscreen.
  • I mean, that's a nice thing to do.
    نحن نَشْربُ tequila خارج قناني sunscreen.
  • The song was "You are my sunshine."
    الاغنية كانت "You are my sunshine."
  • I'll stay here with Captain Sunshine.
    أنا سَأَبْقى هنا مَع النّقيبِ Sunshine.
  • Only way into Sunstone is through a checkpoint where they swab for powers.
    السبيل الوحيد لدخول Sunstone هو من خلال نقطة تفتيش حيث مسحة للقوى.
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