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"went" معنى
  • and I went down to the demonstration ¶
    آ¶ and I went down to the demonstration آ¶
  • She went to Kim Palmieri with it.
    قامت بإبلاغ كيم بالميري بذلك She went to Kim Palmieri with it.
  • Excuse me. Mind out.
    J' Over the hill went the swords of a thousand men J' معذرة.
  • IPhone went "bye, phone." Are you serious right now?
    IPHONE WENT "الهاتف BYE". على محمل الجد الآن؟
  • They couldn't be far.
    I mean, they went this way, or this way? إنهم ليسوا بعيدين.
  • This time, i went for the ginger tea.
    This time, I went for the ginger tea. هذه المرة .. اخترت شاي بالنعناع
  • I gotta say, I was wrong. I think that went great.
    يجب أن أقول ، كنت مخطئاً I think that went great.
  • Oh, I hope you didn't sell that "Froggy Went A-courtin"' record.
    أوه، أَتمنّى بأنّك لَمْ تَبِعْ ذلك "Went غني بالضفادع أي courtin "' سجل.
  • Oh, I hope you didn't sell that "Froggy Went A-courtin"' record.
    أوه، أَتمنّى بأنّك لَمْ تَبِعْ ذلك "Went غني بالضفادع أي courtin "' سجل.
  • Twenty on 10, please.
    Twenty على 10، من فضلك.
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2