
adjunct معنى

adjunct أمثلة على
  • adj.
    الملحق, المساعد
  • n.
    مساعد بروفسور
  • إضافِيّ


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. Before we know it, they'll name him adjunct bishop.
    وقبل أن ندري بالأمر، سيطلقون عليه اسم مساعد الأسقف.
  2. But they also have room for an adjunct professor,
    لكنهم أيضاً يملكون غرفة من أجل مساعد استاذ جامعي
  3. Now he's an adjunct art professor at a Community College.
    وهو الآن أستاذ فن مساعد في كلية المجتمع
  4. Harry Block, adjunct professor of geology. Voted for you.
    هارى بلوك ،أستاذ مساعد ،صوّت من أجلك
  5. All actions authorized by Adjunct Chairman Oren Goodchild.
    كل هذه الأعمال نفذت حسب أوامر (أورين غودتشايلد)

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. a construction that can be used to extend the meaning of a word or phrase but is not one of the main constituents of a sentence
  2. something added to another thing but not an essential part of it
  3. a person who is an assistant or subordinate to another
  1. of or relating to a person who is subordinate to another
    مرادفات assistant
  2. furnishing added support; "an ancillary pump"; "an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism"; "The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other"
    مرادفات accessory, ancillary, adjuvant, appurtenant, auxiliary

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. adjudication section معنى
  2. adjudications معنى
  3. adjudicative معنى
  4. adjudicator معنى
  5. adjugate matrix معنى
  6. adjunct (grammar) معنى
  7. adjunction معنى
  8. adjunction space معنى
  9. adjunctive معنى
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