
advising معنى

advising أمثلة على
  • النّصح
  • موص
  • موصي
  • ناصح


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. I'm advising a task force here that's handling that investigation.
    أنصح لجنة عمل هنا الذي يعالج ذلك التحقيق.
  2. That was my lawyer. He's advising me not to talk to you.
    هذه كان محاميي نصحني بعدم مخاطبتكِ
  3. and, as Missy's attorney, I should be advising her, right now.
    وكمُحامي ميسي، أنا يَجِبُ أَنْ أُنْصَحَها الآن.
  4. Police are advising people to stay away... - you know where that is?
    ... الشرطةتنصحالناسبالإبتعاد- أتعلم أين هذا؟
  5. I'm advising you. Whatever idea you've gotten into your head...
    مهما كانت هذه الفكره التي في رأسك ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. adviser to the secretary-general on the territorial dispute between gabon and equatorial guinea معنى
  2. advisers معنى
  3. advisers to the national electoral commission معنى
  4. advisers to the technical secretariat for electoral administration معنى
  5. advises معنى
  6. adviso معنى
  7. advisor معنى
  8. advisor on money laundering معنى
  9. advisories معنى
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