
agree معنى

[ ə'gri: ] يبدو
agree أمثلة على
  • v.
    وافق, اتفق, إنسجم مع, توصل إلى تسوية, إنطبق على, تطابق, أقر, توافق, سلم


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. If you will excuse me, sir, I agree with the princess.
    أعذرنى, سيدى, و لكنى أتفق مع الأميرة
  2. Listen, Henri. Drink doesn't agree with you.
    فلتصغي اليّ يا (هنري) يبدو بأن الشرب قد أثر عليك فعلاً
  3. When he comes to ask me I'll agree right away.
    عندما يأتي كي يطلبكِ مني، سأوافق على الفور.
  4. You will not agree with what I am going to do.
    سوف لَنْ تُوافقِ على ما سأقوم بفعله.
  5. And I cannot agree with this... "Muhammad, the messenger of God?"
    و لا أستطيع أن أتفق مع هذا...

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. consent or assent to a condition, or agree to do something; "She agreed to all my conditions"; "He agreed to leave her alone"
  2. be in accord; be in agreement; "We agreed on the terms of the settlement"; "I can''t agree with you!"; "I hold with those who say life is sacred"; "Both philosophers concord on this point"
    مرادفات hold, concur, concord
  3. achieve harmony of opinion, feeling, or purpose; "No two of my colleagues would agree on whom to elect chairman"
  4. be agreeable or suitable; "White wine doesn''t agree with me"
  5. be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; "The two stories don''t agree in many details"; "The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"; "The suspect''s fingerprints don''t match those on the gun"
    مرادفات match, fit, correspond, check, jibe, gibe, tally
  6. go together; "The colors don''t harmonize"; "Their ideas concorded"
    مرادفات harmonize, harmonise, consort, accord, concord, fit in
  7. show grammatical agreement; "Subjects and verbs must always agree in English"

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. agrarian structure معنى
  2. agrarian system معنى
  3. agrarian systems معنى
  4. agrarianism معنى
  5. agravic معنى
  6. agree to معنى
  7. agree with معنى
  8. agreeability معنى
  9. agreeable معنى
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