
casual معنى

[ 'kæʒjuəl ] يبدو
casual أمثلة على
  • adj.
    عفوي, عرضي, بالصدفة, طارئ, متقطع, غير نظامي
  • n.
    عامل بصورة متقطعة, غير رسمي, العامل الانظامي
  • متعلق ب حادثة


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. Now it's gonna be a casual sex thing?
    حتى الآن كان هو ستعمل يكون أمرا ممارسة الجنس العرضي؟
  2. It wasn't just casual workers. You were there, Rico.
    ولم يكونو مجرد عمال مؤقتون لقد كنت موجود ريكو
  3. Charlie, casual sex is one thing, but this is just lazy.
    (تشارلي) المضاجعة أمر وهذا أمر آخر فهذاكسل!
  4. Yes, it's just going to be a casual night with the gang.
    نعم، ستكون ليلة جيدة مع الجماعة
  5. Charlie, drinking, gambling and casual sex is not a lifestyle.
    يا (تشارلي)، الشرب، القمار والجنس ليس أسلوب حياة

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough; "a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house''s structural flaws"; "a passing glance"; "perfunctory courtesy"
    مرادفات cursory, passing, perfunctory
  2. marked by blithe unconcern; "an ability to interest casual students"; "showed a casual disregard for cold weather"; "an utterly insouciant financial policy"; "an elegantly insouciant manner"; "drove his car with nonchalant abandon"; "was polite in a teasing nonchalant manner"
    مرادفات insouciant, nonchalant
  3. not showing effort or strain; "a difficult feat performed with casual mastery"; "careless grace"
    مرادفات effortless
  4. appropriate for ordinary or routine occasions; "casual clothes"; "everyday clothes"
    مرادفات everyday, daily
  5. natural and unstudied; "using their Christian names in a casual way"; "lectured in a free-and-easy style"
    مرادفات free-and-easy
  6. characterized by a feeling of irresponsibility; "a broken back is nothing to be casual about; it is no fooling matter"
    مرادفات fooling
  7. occurring or appearing or singled out by chance; "seek help from casual passers-by"; "a casual meeting"; "a chance occurrence"
    مرادفات chance
  8. without or seeming to be without plan or method; offhand; "a casual remark"; "information collected by casual methods and in their spare time"
  9. occurring from time to time; "casual employment"; "a casual correspondence with a former teacher"; "an occasional worker"
    مرادفات occasional

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. casts معنى
  2. casttv معنى
  3. castuera معنى
  4. castus (rebel) معنى
  5. casu martzu معنى
  6. casual day worker معنى
  7. casual dress معنى
  8. casual games معنى
  9. casual labour معنى
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