
challenging معنى

  • التحدّي
  • طعن
  • طعون

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. requiring full use of your abilities or resources; "ambitious schedule"; "performed the most challenging task without a mistake"
    مرادفات ambitious
  2. disturbingly provocative; "an intriguing smile"
    مرادفات intriguing
  3. stimulating interest or thought; "a challenging hypothesis"; "a thought-provoking book"
    مرادفات thought-provoking

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. challenger expedition معنى
  2. challenger limited معنى
  3. challenger plateau معنى
  4. challengers معنى
  5. challenges معنى
  6. challenging behaviour معنى
  7. challenging state معنى
  8. challengingly معنى
  9. challerange معنى
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