
chatter معنى

chatter أمثلة على
  • n.
    ثرثرة, زقزقة, هذر, لغو, إصطكاك الأسنان, بقبقة
  • v.
    ثرثر, هذر, زقزق, لفظ بغير وضوح, تتذبذب بسرعة, تصطك, لغا


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. Enough! It's time to act! This chatter is completely useless.
    انه وقت التصرف هذه الثرثرة اصبحت عديمة الفائدة
  2. I shall go now... [ Indistinct chatter ] [ Nervous laughter ]
    انا سوف اذهب الان ... ثلاثه
  3. They've been tapped in to your tower chatter all night.
    لقد سجلوا كل شيء على الأجهزة كل الليل
  4. Can speak right to my heart % - [ All Chattering ]
    " يمكنك الحديث إلى قلبى "
  5. Chattering Continues] [inmate #2] Ethan, there was nothing we could do.
    (إيثان), لم يكن هناك شيء نستطيع فعله.

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. noisy talk
    مرادفات yak, yack, yakety-yak, cackle
  2. the high-pitched continuing noise made by animals (birds or monkeys)
    مرادفات chattering
  3. the rapid series of noises made by the parts of a machine
    مرادفات chattering
  1. speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly
    مرادفات piffle, palaver, prate, tittle-tattle, twaddle, clack, maunder, prattle, blab, gibber, tattle, blabber, gabble
  2. make noise as if chattering away; "The magpies were chattering in the trees"
  3. talk socially without exchanging too much information; "the men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze"
    مرادفات chew the fat, shoot the breeze, chat, confabulate, confab, chitchat, chit-chat, chaffer, natter, gossip, jaw, claver, visit
  4. cut unevenly with a chattering tool
  5. click repeatedly or uncontrollably; "Chattering teeth"
    مرادفات click

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. chattanooga, tennessee معنى
  2. chatted معنى
  3. chattel معنى
  4. chattel slavery معنى
  5. chattels معنى
  6. chatterbox معنى
  7. chattered معنى
  8. chatterer معنى
  9. chatterers معنى
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