
circulate معنى

[ 'sə:kjuleit ] يبدو
circulate أمثلة على
  • v.
    تداول الأيدي, نشر, أذاع, وزع, انتشر, إنتقل من شخص إلى شخص, سرى, روح, روج


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. Their blood must circulate faster to keep their bodies warm.
    و هكذا الدم يدور بسرعة ليبقي الاجسام ساخنة
  2. They circulate among us, learning from one and then another.
    إنهم يتنقلون بيننا يتعلمون من واحد ثم الآخر
  3. Circulate them around the base. See if anyone recognizes the guy.
    اعمل نسـخ واجعلها تمر على جميع المراكز
  4. Uh-- It-It's low. The heart needs to circulate the blood.
    إنه منخفض يجب أن يشغل القلب الدورة الدموية
  5. You want us to circulate his photo? In neighborhoods only.
    في الأحياء فقط، وأبعد الأمر عن وسائل الإعلام

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. cause to move around; "circulate a rumor"
    مرادفات mobilize, mobilise
  2. cause to become widely known; "spread information"; "circulate a rumor"; "broadcast the news"
    مرادفات circularize, circularise, distribute, disseminate, propagate, broadcast, spread, diffuse, disperse, pass around
  3. become widely known and passed on; "the rumor spread"; "the story went around in the office"
    مرادفات go around, spread
  4. move around freely; "She circulates among royalty"
  5. move through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point; "Blood circulates in my veins"; "The air here does not circulate"
  6. cause to move in a circuit or system; "The fan circulates the air in the room"
  7. cause be distributed; "This letter is being circulated among the faculty"
    مرادفات pass around, pass on, distribute
  8. move in circles
    مرادفات circle

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. circularizes معنى
  2. circularizing معنى
  3. circularly معنى
  4. circularness معنى
  5. circulars معنى
  6. circulated معنى
  7. circulates معنى
  8. circulating معنى
  9. circulating cells معنى
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