
contradictory معنى

contradictory أمثلة على
  • adj.
    متناقض, مختلف
  • n.


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. Yes, it is a curious case, full of contradictory features.
    نعم, انها قضية غامضة . بها الكثير مميزات متناقضة
  2. But it falls in a direction contradictory to the craft's position.
    لكنه يسقط فى إتجاه مخالف للواقع
  3. He's... he's kind of like a contradictory character.
    وو [أبوس]؛ ق... هو نوع من مثل شخصية متناقضة.
  4. His wife and child, tormented by his fickle and contradictory nature.
    ابنته وزوجته معذبان بطبيعته المتقلبة المتضاربة
  5. Man) I'm getting contradictory readings from the filtration pumps.
    انا أُصبحُت متناقض القراءات عن مضخاتِ الترشيحَ.

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. two propositions are contradictories if both cannot be true (or both cannot be false) at the same time
  1. unable to be both true at the same time
    مرادفات mutually exclusive
  2. in disagreement; "the figures are at odds with our findings"; "contradictory attributes of unjust justice and loving vindictiveness"- John Morley
    مرادفات at odds, conflicting, self-contradictory
  3. that confounds or contradicts or confuses
    مرادفات confounding
  4. of words or propositions so related that both cannot be true and both cannot be false; "`perfect'' and `imperfect'' are contradictory terms"

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. contradictions معنى
  2. contradictious معنى
  3. contradictor معنى
  4. contradictorily معنى
  5. contradictoriness معنى
  6. contradicts معنى
  7. contradistinct معنى
  8. contradistinction معنى
  9. contradistinctions معنى
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