
cured معنى

cured أمثلة على
  • متعاف
  • متعافي
  • معالج


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. You've cured many people yet you did not help your friend.
    ... عالجتالكثيرمنالناس رغم ذلك لم تساعد صديقك...
  2. He had the same problem and this string cured it.
    كانت لديه نفس المشكلة وهذه السلسلة التى عالجتها.
  3. Him as cured my chilblains. Think there's any mοney in it?
    فقد تمت سرقة اقراط الاذن من الزمرد
  4. I'm not 100% cured yet, but I soon will be.
    لست 100 % لحد الآن لكنّي قريبا سأكون
  5. I know sugar pills who cured cancer, because they believed.
    اعرف حبه سكر عالجت سرطان لانها امنت بذلك

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. (used of tobacco) aging as a preservative process (`aged'' is pronounced as one syllable)
    مرادفات aged
  2. (used especially of meat) cured in brine
    مرادفات corned
  3. (used of hay e.g.) allowed to dry
  4. (used of concrete or mortar) kept moist to assist the hardening
  5. (used of rubber) treated by a chemical or physical process to improve its properties (hardness and strength and odor and elasticity)
    مرادفات vulcanized, vulcanised
  6. freed from illness or injury; "the patient appears cured"; "the incision is healed"; "appears to be entirely recovered"; "when the recovered patient tries to remember what occurred during his delirium"- Normon Cameron
    مرادفات healed, recovered

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. cure معنى
  2. cure oneself معنى
  3. cure or quit معنى
  4. cure rate معنى
  5. cureall معنى
  6. cured cannabis معنى
  7. cured fish معنى
  8. cured hashish معنى
  9. cured meat معنى
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