
curiously معنى

curiously أمثلة على
  • adv.
    غير محتشم


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. Was this a small Mediterranean guy with curiously intelligent good looks?
    أهو رجل أبيض صغير الحجم وسيم ولبق؟
  2. to be honest with you, I find myself curiously aroused by you.
    اوه... لأكون أمينا معك أ.. أجد نفسي
  3. However, their behaviour is curiously similar to that of humans.
    ومع ذلك، فإن تصرفاتهما مشابهة لتصرفات البشر
  4. Severe thyroxine deficit, curiously high levels of adrenal hormones.
    نقص شديد في الثيروكسين، ومستويات قياسية لهرمون الأدرينالين.
  5. His pockets were curiously empty except for these.
    أجيبه كانت فارغه بشكل يثير الفضول. باستثناء وجود هؤلاء.

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. in a manner differing from the usual or expected; "had a curiously husky voice"; "he''s behaving rather peculiarly"
    مرادفات oddly, peculiarly, oddly, peculiarly
  2. with curiosity; "the baby looked around curiously"
    مرادفات inquisitively, interrogatively, inquisitively, interrogatively
  3. in a manner differing from the usual or expected; "had a curiously husky voice"; "he''s behaving rather peculiarly"
    مرادفات oddly, peculiarly, oddly, peculiarly
  4. with curiosity; "the baby looked around curiously"
    مرادفات inquisitively, interrogatively, inquisitively, interrogatively

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. curiosity killed the cat معنى
  2. curious معنى
  3. curious george (film) معنى
  4. curiouser معنى
  5. curiousest معنى
  6. curiousness معنى
  7. curite معنى
  8. curitiba معنى
  9. curium معنى
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