
diabolic معنى

diabolic أمثلة على
  • adj.
    شيطاني, شرير, وحشي


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. Well, I studied theology, a higher calling than your diabolic medicine.
    درستُ اللاهوت... وهو دعوة أسمى من طبّكِ الشيطانيّ
  2. If we knew that, we wouldn't need a diabolic plan, would we?
    إن كنا نعرف هذا ما احتجنا خطة شيطانية صحيح؟
  3. An evil that sends out an inhuman diabolic power...
    شيئا بلا إنسانية قوة شيطانية
  4. It was a perfect chance to study the physiological symptoms of a diabolic possession.
    لقد كانت افضل فرصه لفحص الاعراض الفيزيائيه للتلبس الشيطاني
  5. The demon then grew to diabolic heights.
    بومباي تحترق متى ينتهي هذا

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell; "something demonic in him--something that could be cruel"; "fires lit up a diabolic scene"; "diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils"; "a fiendish despot"; "hellish torture"; "infernal instruments of war"; "satanic cruelty"; "unholy grimaces"
    مرادفات demonic, diabolical, fiendish, hellish, infernal, satanic, unholy
  2. showing the cunning or ingenuity or wickedness typical of a devil; "devilish schemes"; "the cold calculation and diabolic art of some statesmen"; "the diabolical expression on his face"; "a mephistophelian glint in his eye"
    مرادفات devilish, diabolical, mephistophelian, mephistophelean

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