
discover معنى

[ dis'kʌvə ] يبدو
discover أمثلة على
  • v.
    اكتشف, كشف عن, فضى ب, كشف


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. Small wonder. We've never been able to discover his parentage.
    أعجوبه صغيره , لم نقدر على أكتشاف والديه.
  2. It's round now. Man will discover this in centuries to come.
    أنه مستدير الأن وسوف نكتشف هذا لاحقا
  3. We've failed to discover how he transfers his gold overseas.
    فشلنا بمعرفة كيف يقوم بنقل ذهبه حول البحار
  4. When we finish, we discover the number of decreases.
    فقط عندما انتهينا ادركنا هول الخسائر التى تركناها وراءنا
  5. Sometimes I regret that I helped him discover the truth.
    احيانا اتندم على اننى ساعدته على اكتشاف الحقيقه

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally; "I learned that she has two grown-up children"; "I see that you have been promoted"
    مرادفات learn, hear, get word, get wind, pick up, find out, get a line, see
  2. identify as in botany or biology, for example
    مرادفات identify, key, key out, distinguish, describe, name
  3. make a discovery; "She found that he had lied to her"; "The story is false, so far as I can discover"
    مرادفات find
  4. make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret; "The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold"; "The actress won''t reveal how old she is"; "bring out the truth"; "he broke the news to her"; "unwrap the evidence in the murder case"
    مرادفات unwrap, disclose, let on, bring out, reveal, expose, divulge, break, give away, let out
  5. make a discovery, make a new finding; "Roentgen discovered X-rays"; "Physicists believe they found a new elementary particle"
    مرادفات find
  6. see for the first time; make a discovery; "Who discovered the North Pole?"
  7. discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of; "She detected high levels of lead in her drinking water"; "We found traces of lead in the paint"
    مرادفات detect, observe, find, notice
  8. find unexpectedly; "the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb"; "she struck a goldmine"; "The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake"
    مرادفات fall upon, strike, come upon, light upon, chance upon, come across, chance on, happen upon, attain

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. discoursing معنى
  2. discourteous معنى
  3. discourteously معنى
  4. discourteousness معنى
  5. discourtesy معنى
  6. discover (magazine) معنى
  7. discover syria rally معنى
  8. discover: the world of science معنى
  9. discoverability معنى
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